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Astronomy Make A Solar System For Kids

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El relieve de España

El relieve en Castilla y León.


Fun Science Quizzes for Kids
Electricity Questions & AnswersElectricity Quiz
Take our electricity quiz for kids and learn some new information about electric currents, batteries, electrical power, light bulbs, conductors and more.
Put yourself to the test and enjoy the fun trivia and electrical questions & answers, how much do you know about the interesting science topic of electricity?

1. Electric current is measured using what device?
2. True or false? Batteries convert chemical to electrical energy.
3. In terms of electricity, what does DC stand for?
4. The wire inside an electric bulb is known as the what?
5. Conductors have a high or low resistance?
6. True or false? The concept of electric fields was first introduced by Albert Einstein.
7. Electric resistance is typically measured in what units?
8. In terms of electricity, what does AC stand for?
9. Electric power is typically measured in what units?
10. True or false? You can extend battery life by storing batteries at a low temperature.

Electricity Quiz Answers

1. Ammeter
2. True
3. Direct current
4. Filament
5. Low
6. False (Michael Faraday)
7. Ohms
8. Alternating current
9. Watts
10. True

  To know more about electricity

Encyclopedia > Electric charge

  Article Content

Electric charge

Electric charge is a fundamental conserved property of matter. Matter that possesses a charge is influenced by, and produces, electromagnetic fields. The interaction between charge and an electromagnetic field is the source of one of the four fundamental forces.Electric charge can be directly measured with an electrometer. Its unit is thecoulomb. Observed particles have charges which are integer multiples of theelectron charge which is a fundamental physical constant. Quarks are believed to have charges which are multiples of one-third the electric charge. The discrete nature of electric charge was demonstrated by Robert Millikan in his oil-drop experiment.
Charge was discovered by the Ancient Greeks who found that rubbing fur on various substances, such as amber, would build up an electric charge imbalance. The Greeks noted that the charged amber buttons could attract light objects such as hair. The Greeks also noted that if they rubbed the amber for long enough, they could even get a spark to jump. The wordelectricity derives from ηλεκτρον, the Greek word for amber.
By the 18th century, the study of electricity had become popular. One of the foremost experts was a man named Benjamin Franklin. Franklin imagined electricity as being a type of invisible fluid present in all matter. He posited that rubbing insulating surfaces together caused this fluid to change location, and that a flow of this fluid constitutes an electric current. He also posited that when matter contained too little of the fluid it was "negatively" charged, and when it had an excess it was "positively" charged. Arbitrarily (or for a reason that was not recorded) he identified the term "positive" with the type of charge acquired by a glass rod rubbed with silk, and "negative" with that acquired by an amber rod rubbed with fur.
We now know that Franklin's model was too simple. Matter is actually composed of two kinds of electricity: particles called protons which carry a charge of positive electricity, and particles called electrons which carry a charge of negative electricity. Rather than one possible electric current there are many: a flow of negative particles, or a flow of positive particles, or a flow of both negative and positive particles in opposite directions. To reduce this complexity, electrical workers still use Franklin's convention and they imagine that electric current (known as conventional current) is a flow of exclusively positive particles. The conventional current simplifes electrical concepts and calculations, but it ignores the fact that within some conductors (electrolytes, semiconductors, and plasma,) two or more species of electric charges flow in opposite directions. The flow direction for Conventional Current is also backwards compared to the actual electron drift taking place during electric currents in metals.

Aside from the properties described in articles about electromagnetism, it is worth noting that charge is a relativistic invariant. What this means is that any particle that has charge q, no matter how fast it goes, always has charge q. This property has been experimentally verified by showing that the charge of a helium nucleus (two protons and two neutrons bound together in a nucleus and moving around at incredible speeds) is the same as two deuterium nuclei (one proton and one neutron bound together, but moving much more slowly than they would if they were in a helium nucleus).

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... they have committed an action contrary to their moral code. It is characterised by feelings of regret, self-hatred and a desire to make the wrong thing right. The idea ...

How to build a charge detector.



    • ¿En qué lugares del mundo la población no tiene acceso a la energía eléctrica?
    • ¿Qué es la contaminación lumínica? INFORMACIÓN AQUÍ.
    • ¿Piensas que en el lugar donde vives se hace un uso moderado de la energía eléctrica? Razona la respusta.





















Conocimiento del medio - 6º Primaria
Descubrir el funcionamiento del cuerpo humano a través de simulaciones y juegos, construir un circuito eléctrico virtualmente, o calcular el ángulo de reflexión de la luz con un gráfico interactivo... el contenido de Educaline es idóneo para descubrir y conocer las Ciencias de un modo visual e interactivo, ya que permite visualizar los procesos y recrearlos virtualmente.
A través de una base visual e interactiva, hace posible la asimilación de conceptos con ejercicios interactivos y otros recursos multimedia para aprender haciendo, facilitando la comprensión y favoreciendo la memorización al trabajar las relaciones entre ellos.
Con actividades transversales complementarias y abundantes recursos de ampliación.



For this lesson we are going to find new alternative energy, in order we can improve the world.
In groups you will build machines or system in order to get energy. 
It will be ecological and renewable energy. You have to present it at the end of the lesson. 

First session

1.- Download this worksheet.

Watch this video 

Tiki with friendicicles - nice and cold in hereicicles - nice and cold in here
Tiki with friendicicles - nice and cold in here
 My website map

Tiki's Guide to Energy

Energy is special. There's lots of it about and it's very useful. Why? What's so special? Here's just a few reasons.
  • it lets me swim fast and catch my fish
  • it gets you out of bed in the morning
  • it means that birds can fly, tigers can roar, wind can blow
  • it makes the sun, the moon and stars shine
  • it makes plants grow -- food (= stored plant energy) for animals
  • it makes cars move, factories produce things, light bulbs glow, planes fly and your computer work. I'll bet you can think of many more!
Without energy, there would be nothing: no life, no movement, no light, no heat, no you, no me… nothing.But there is a problem with energy. Some people have got used to using far too much of it. This means that there's not enough for everyone. And using some kinds of energy causes terrible pollution and makes the Earth's climate get hotter.
Confused? No worries. Welcome to my new Energy Guide in which I take you on a journey through energy and, I hope, help you understand it.

Finding your way around my Energy Guide
You may not want to look at all of this guide right away, so you can jump to any part that interests you from the table at the bottom of this page. If you want to look through each part, starting at the beginning, click the green arrow below (forward to 'What is energy?'). At the bottom of each new page, you'll find identical arrows which you click to go forward, back or return home (this page).
 I've made a crossword puzzle about energy. All the answers are in my guide.
Hover your mouse here and see what happens!InformationInfo popoutsDo you see? If you hover your mouse over black text with a dotted underline for more info about something in my guide!
Why do I have Infolinks ads?InformationInfolinks adsThey are to help raise some money to keep my website going. You can recognise them because they are brown with a dotted or solid brown line underneath. Every click you make on these ads brings me a tiny bit of money. I hope you don't find them annoying.

This is my Energy home page

Forward to next page
homeforward to What is energy?
  • Photovoltaic Cells
  • Spray foam insulation
  • Wind
  • Winding
  • Global Warming
Table of contents
What is energy? Heat and work (no, not homework!)
Where do we get energy from? And how we all need the Sun
What are fuels? How do people get energy from them?
What’s the problem? Pollution
What is pollution?
Greenhouse Earth About the ‘greenhouse effect’
Nuclear power — Help at hand? Possibly. What do you think?Renewable energy About energy sources which are clean and last forever
Fair shares and what you can do
Links to other energy sites




With the help of the following pictures, you are going to explain (in your notebook or wiki we'll see) the development of the fetus until nine months with your own words please. (please print the images)

Task2: Define these terms:

amniotic fluid
balanced diet
defense system
dilatation stage
expulsion stage
involuntary muscle
umbilical cord
uterus vagina

Mini project: We are going to develop it in groups of two (in wiki spaces)

You are TV presenters of a documentary (in this case the topic is premature birth), you have to research in internet about it.
In wiki spaces with the help of different videos, pictures..... you will write a composition and at the end you have to perform at class
Write a list of vocabulary that you are going to use.
How common is the premature birth?/ what causes are there?/ How are these babies treated?/ What is the world record for the youngest surviving premature birth?


Inside pregnancy: Fertilization

Inside pregnancy: Weeks 1 to 9

A 3D animated look at baby development in the first trimester of pregnancy, from the first few cells that make up the blastocyst to a tiny fetus with a brain, beating heart, fingers, eyes, and earlobes.

Inside pregnancy: Weeks 10 to 14

A 3D animated look at baby development in the first trimester of pregnancy, including the formation of nails and fingerprints, the debut of limb movements and kicks, and the making of red blood cells and urine


Inside pregnancy: Weeks 15 to 20

A 3D animated look at baby development in the second trimester of pregnancy, including nerves linking the brain to the body, cartilage hardening into bone, senses maturing, and – in some babies – thumb-sucking.

Member Comments

dsangdhw says

Inside pregnancy: Weeks 21 to 27

A 3D animated look at baby development in the second trimester of pregnancy, including a developing sense of touch, the ability to swallow, occasional hiccups, and the "breathing" of amniotic fluid.

Inside pregnancy: Weeks 28 to 37

A 3D animated look at baby development in the third trimester of pregnancy, including eyes opening, bones hardening, vernix caseosa shedding, and turning downward in preparation for birth.

Inside pregnancy: Labor and birth

A 3D animated look at labor, including how contractions begin, the cervix opens, and the water breaks, and how the baby crowns, squeezes through the birth canal, and is delivered.
1st day

1st day2nd day3rd day4th day5th day6th day7th day8th day
10th day12th day13th day14th day2nd week4th week4th week5th week
5th week6th week7th week7th week7th week8th week10th week15th week
20th week30th week38th week

Implantation (human embryo)

In humans (as in all other mammals, except for monotremes), implantation is the very early stage of pregnancy at which the embryo adheres to the wall of the uterus.[1] At this stage ofprenatal development, the embryo is a blastocyst. It is by this adhesion that the fetus receives oxygen and nutrients from the mother to be able to grow.

In humans, implantation of a fertilized ovum is most likely to occur about 9 days after ovulation, ranging between 6 to 12 days.

6º Primaria
Conocimiento del medio

1 - La nutrición

El ser humano obtiene la energía necesaria para sus funciones vitales a través de los alimentos. En el proceso intervienen numerosos sistemas y órganos (47 preguntas)

2 - La relación

A través del sistema nervioso, el ser humano capta los estímulos del exterior, a los que responde gracias a su aparato locomotor(35 preguntas)

3 - La reproducción

Mediante la reproducción, el ser humano es capaz de perpetuar la especie. Para ello, se necesitan dos individuos de sexo opuesto que unen sus gametos para crear un nuevo ser (26 preguntas)

4 - La energía

Gracias a las fuentes de energía podemos tener un modo de vida desarrollado. Para que éste sea sostenible, es necesario aumentar el uso de energía renovables y reducir la contaminación(22 preguntas)

5 - La luz y el sonido

La luz y el sonido son dos tipos de ondas que nos permiten ver los objetos que nos rodean y oír los sonidos de la naturaleza o producidos por el hombre(18 preguntas)

6 - La electricidad y el magnetismo

Todos los cuerpos tienen cargas eléctricas. Además, algunos de ellos tienen propiedades magnéticas capaz de atraer a objetos metálicos. Entre la electricidad y el magnetismo existe una gran relación. (19 preguntas)

7 - Las máquinas

Las máquinas nos permiten obtener fuerzas mayores realizando una fuerza mucho más pequeña. (11 preguntas)

8 - Geografía física de España

La geografía española se caracteriza por su gran diversidad según las zonas, lo que deriva en distintos climas, vegetaciones, vertientes hidrográficas...(33 preguntas)

9 - Geografía humana y política de España

España es un país desarrollado con una alta esperanza de vida, y donde la población activa se dedica mayoritariamente al sector terciario. Se organiza en Comunidades Autónomas, provincias y municipios(29 preguntas)

10 - Geografía de Europa

Europa es un continente pequeño con grandes llanuras y diversos sistemas montañosos. Tiene una gran densidad de población, envejecida, que viven en países muy desarrollados, varios de ellos agrupados en la Unión Europea.(34 preguntas)

11 - La Edad Moderna

El reinado de los Reyes Católicos marca el inicio de la Edad Moderna en España, en la que el país logró la hegemonía europea gracias a sus conquistas. (30 preguntas)

12 - La Edad Contemporánea

La revolución francesa se contagió a España durante el siglo XIX, que alternó periodos absolutistas y liberales. El siglo XX estuvo marcado por las dictaduras y la Guerra Civil, antes de llegar a la actual situación democrática.(26 preguntas)

13 - Las funciones vitales

Los seres vivos se caracterizan por desarrollar tres funciones vitales: la nutrición para obtener energía, la relación con el exterior y la reproducción para perpetuar la especie. (108 preguntas)

Incluye las preguntas de los test: (Ver)

14 - Energía, ondas y electromagnetismo

Gracias a las fuentes de energía, a las máquinas y a la electricidad podemos tener un modo de vida desarrollado. Las ondas, como la luz y el sonido, son un tipo especial de energía. (70 preguntas)

Incluye las preguntas de los test: (Ver)

15 - Geografía de España

La geografía física, política y humana de España (62 preguntas)

Incluye las preguntas de los test: (Ver)

16 - Geografía de España y de Europa

España es un país situado al norte de Europa, con la que comparte un gran desarrollo económico y humano. Sus características geográficas se asimilan a las de otras partes del continente.(96 preguntas)

Incluye las preguntas de los test: (Ver)

17 - La Edad Moderna y Contemporánea

Los Reyes Católicos marcan el inicio de la Edad Moderna en España, en la que logró una hegemonía europea que luego perdería. Durante el siglo XIX y XX el país fue entrando en la modernidad con el desarrollo económico, liberal y democrático.(56 preguntas)

Incluye las preguntas de los test: (Ver)

18 - Conocimiento del medio - Asignatura completa

Las funciones vitales. Las distintas fuentes de energía, como la electricidad o las ondas. La geografía política y social de España y Europa. La Historia desde los Reyes Católicos hasta la actualidad.(330 preguntas)

The Female Reproductive System


The Male Reproductive System



Created by andromaster

Fun Trivia : Quizzes : Endocrine System
Hormones game quiz
"How much do you know about the hormones working in your body?"
15 Points Per Correct Answer - No time limit  

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The Endocrine System

Created by Morrigan716

Fun Trivia : Quizzes : Endocrine System
The Endocrine System game quiz
"How much do you know about the endocrine system?"
15 Points Per Correct Answer - No time limit  

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1 comentario:

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